Ways to work with me

Your therapeutic journey is as unique as you are

One step
at a time

Working on our life can be challenging

Being open to change can be liberating

When we are ready, we all have to start somewhere…

Invest in you…

There can be no better investment than in your life, love and wellbeing

  • Working with me can be a series of life changing conversations
  • We work through anything and everything you wish to bring, without judgment
  • I can support you to be yourself in a world with many distractions and pressures to be otherwise
  • I explore with you with depth, honesty and compassion
  • I am qualified and experienced to do this safely and effectively


I offer various ways of investing in your development and places to start:

Couples and families
Face to face at my therapy space

Support for your retreat or as part of your break away

I offer circle, ceremony and rites of passage facilitation

I have various self-help courses and insight assessments you can explore online

I work with young adults to support their life and family challenges, Uni and career management

One-to-one, face to face at my therapy space or I can come to you

Support for your retreat or as part of your break away

I offer circle, ceremony and rites of passage facilitation

I have various self-help courses and insight assessments you can explore online

I work with young adults struggling to make choices for uni, struggling in their relationship with parents/family and wanting to move forward in life

One-to-one therapy

To work with me one to one, you will need to be ready to work at depth and prepared to commit to face to face sessions and any work suggested in between.

Whatever your reasons for coming, I offer a safe, non-judgmental space at my practice by the river in South Lincolnshire. You will be welcomed into a place of peace, calm and compassion. I am close to the A1/A15 and a taxi ride from Peterborough mainline station from Kings Cross/Leeds/York /Newcastle.

Sometimes a one-off session is enough. There is much to be said for offloading what is troubling you or receiving a reality check from a trained professional. 

Couples and families

Sometimes, you need help as a couple to understand and resolve your challenges. I work with you and your partner to understand each other at depth. 

You may have specific challenges, or you may be going through change or transition. I can help you to communicate, to understand each other’s perspectives and feelings, and develop ways forward where each of you feels appreciated. I help you to get clear about your needs and to express these to each other with positive intention and help you to agree steps for change or resolution. You may wish to invest in your relationship pre marriage or commitment, or at any stage throughout your relationship journey. I can work with you to support you through relationship transition, separation, ending or divorce. I work also with young adults in your family who may be affected by, or are part of, your challenges. 

You may need to talk to me as individuals and as a couple, or as a family.

How many sessions will I need?

There is no set “package” as such. Most people find from 3 to 6 sessions over a 3-to-6-month period useful and effective. You may find that for you, fewer is sufficient – or you may find you require more. Sessions are charged therefore individually as required, and held at agreed intervals.

I review your goals with you regularly and it is my professional commitment to you to discuss discontinuing our sessions if I feel they are not working for you. Equally, you may discuss this with me at any time and discontinue as you feel appropriate.

If you would like to book a session with me or arrange a 15-minute exploratory call/zoom (at no charge) please get in touch.

Contact me

Linda is a skilled psychologist who helps people make sense of their world and the challenges they face. She does this by pulling all the loose, and often confusing, threads together to help her clients gain a better understanding of themselves and get a clearer picture of the choices they have before them. If you work with Linda you can expect to be met without judgement, to be in the hands of someone with a depth of knowledge many do not possess and above all she will be endlessly kind and thoughtful towards you as a unique individual.

Is this right
for you?

One-to-one holistic life psychology may be right for you if:

  • Other therapies or self-help haven’t worked fully for you
  • You are committed to going deeper
  • Compassion and kindness to yourself are important to you

It may not be right for you if you have clinical needs that are not being addressed

There are other ways to work with me too …


Qualifications as a Psychologist

British Psychological Society (BPS):

  • Chartered Psychologist and Associate Fellow 
  • Holistic Psychology Faculty member – Division of Clinical Psychology 
  • BSc Psychology and MSc Occupational Psychology (career, stress, wellbeing, home working)

The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)
Registered Psychologist

Additional professional development:

  • Couples therapy 
  • Embodied coaching and trauma awareness 
  • Mind body connection 
  • Music psychology and therapy  
  • Stress, Burnout and Depression – non-clinical models 
  • Male mental health and suicide prevention 
  • Jungian archetypes 
  • Sleep and dreams 
  • Wellbeing across cultures 
  • Tree of life therapy 
  • Menopause 
  • Compassion 


Holistic wellbeing qualifications:

  • Yoga teaching Diploma, Restorative Yoga and Yoga for young people 
  • Meditation and breathing  
  • Diploma in Aromatherapy and Bach Flower Remedies 
  • ITEC Anatomy and Physiology 
  • Graduate of the School of Sacred Sound – sound healing 
  • ITEC massage and advanced massage 
  • Colour therapy, aura soma and feng shui training 
  • RLSS open water lifeguard

Sometimes it isn’t practical for you to come to my therapy space, or you may just wish for me to come to you. This can work well for couples and families and for individuals who have private and calm space to meet. If you are on retreat, or taking a break away from the everyday, this can be a wonderful time to focus on your challenges can help you to make the best of your time for you.

Please contact me for further information.

Retreat leaders – please enquire how I can support your retreat

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I create workshops on particular challenges, such as self-compassion, menopause, relationships, wellbeing. I create a space for individuals to come together, be curious and to explore in a relaxed and supportive way. Together, we explore emotional, physical, spiritual and mental wellbeing. We establish meaning and purpose, values and life plans.

Please enquire about upcoming workshops

Ceremony and facilitation

I create ceremony for any life event that has meaning for you. It is very personal to you – and is to celebrate, heal or recognise significant life events. It can be for you alone or involving others. I create ceremony in a non-religious context, in psychological safety. I draw inspiration from the natural world, time honoured rituals and the Celtic circle of life

Please contact me for further information

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Sometimes, self-help can be the right place to start – or to support your therapeutic journey You are able to work on yourself at your own pace, using tools I have created from decades of experience helping people to reflect and grow

Insight assessments

I offer a series of psychometric and self-assessment tools, which can provide powerful information towards your life decisions. Understanding your personality, fundamental motivations and values can inform better life and career choices. Exploring the mysterious deep well where the universal stories and dramas of our human lives dwell through archetypes can be life affirming and transforming. Assessments are carried out online, on their own or as part of your work with me

Please contact me for further information

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Sometimes young people are confused, under pressure and not able to see the way forward that feels right for them. I work with young adults who are facing big decisions and who want to make the best choices possible.

Together, we unpick and unravel, and piece things together to make sense of their challenges and options. I help young adults make better decisions and feel confident in their choices. I offer online insight tools – either as self-help or as part of a series of meetings with me, to inform and empower individuals in their ambitions. In a family context – I work with your young adult to communicate and appreciate different perspectives and to build understanding.

Please contact me for further information

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